This word is used to alert others to not use the N word when you are trying to fly the airbus a320 with IAE v2500 engines.
Aryan: Ni-
Ryan: no no no no no don't say that don't say that don't say the n word please because
Only be best looking guy out there.
OMG they are a J4yd3.n!!!!
Biggest Simp in the WORLD! The type of person to ditch the boys! THE DUCKING BOYS!!! For a girl. Also has a big chode!
bitch you I r r e l e v a n t get the fuck out my face
this is the american alphabet for my 3 yr olds
The word a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z means hello
One of the main events at the Sexlympics, two bob sleds both carrying a male and female in them race to the finish line, however there is a catch, the female is from the opposing team, if she makes the male bust from oral sex before the other one does , the male’s team loses. Whoever gets to the finish line without busting wins.
“Hey man did you catch the Slob N Bob event last night?”