Fucking a girl on her period then taking the period blood and marking her forhead like Simba. Pride Rocked.
My girl was on her period and after we finished I Pride Rocked her and sang circle of life. Pride rocking at its finest.
Basically the Hitler of high school but in a female overweight body. She claims to care about children and can't stop bragging about her having achieved a certificate for being a teacher as well as for human studies, which really is just a different way to say: "Fuck you I'm officially a psychiatrist."
OH and did I mention she sexually harasses her students?
"I can't believe Lies Rock is constantly insulting us, she would be a terrible psychiatrist."
-"But she actually is a psychiatrist."
" I'm joining ISIS."
Person 1:hey dude look an Indian love rock!
Person 2:oh cool! What's that?
Person 1:Just another fucking rock!
A place where alot of stragglers congregate, like casinos, motels,etc.
"I picked up a new hoe down at straggle rock"
Eating pop rocks while making out.
"We were rock sharing earlier and i think she has a thing for it." pop rocks
To rock one's tache involves percuring a false tache of the 'dirty' persuasion by way of resting a horizontally out stretched finger across the top lip.
Harriet is rocking the tache in our school photograph isn't she a funny so and so
The Rolling Stones, but for poor people.
Nick Wagger is the leader of the Tumbling Rocks.