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Pride Rocking

Fucking a girl on her period then taking the period blood and marking her forhead like Simba. Pride Rocked.

My girl was on her period and after we finished I Pride Rocked her and sang circle of life. Pride rocking at its finest.

by bigarmy September 10, 2014

Lies Rock

Basically the Hitler of high school but in a female overweight body. She claims to care about children and can't stop bragging about her having achieved a certificate for being a teacher as well as for human studies, which really is just a different way to say: "Fuck you I'm officially a psychiatrist."

OH and did I mention she sexually harasses her students?

"I can't believe Lies Rock is constantly insulting us, she would be a terrible psychiatrist."
-"But she actually is a psychiatrist."

" I'm joining ISIS."

by Dr. Poopybutthole June 20, 2017

Indian love rock

Just another fucking rock

Person 1:hey dude look an Indian love rock!
Person 2:oh cool! What's that?
Person 1:Just another fucking rock!

by Mcbruhs November 21, 2021

straggle rock

A place where alot of stragglers congregate, like casinos, motels,etc.

"I picked up a new hoe down at straggle rock"

by Oliver Klowzoff October 14, 2023

rock sharing

Eating pop rocks while making out.

"We were rock sharing earlier and i think she has a thing for it." pop rocks

by rex godd November 7, 2015

Rocking The Tache

To rock one's tache involves percuring a false tache of the 'dirty' persuasion by way of resting a horizontally out stretched finger across the top lip.

Harriet is rocking the tache in our school photograph isn't she a funny so and so

by mydad'scat'sbrother'sgf. March 23, 2009

The Tumbling Rocks

The Rolling Stones, but for poor people.

Nick Wagger is the leader of the Tumbling Rocks.

by EasternEuropeanSlavLover December 5, 2023