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Riders of the Apocalypse

The many unacountable people who are the male and female offspring of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. These people ride black horses, listen to heavy metal and rock and goth music, they ride the night and answer only to the Metal Inquisition. They ride through and burn chav villages and towns, leaving nothing in their wake. Male members are known as riders, female members are known as Angels Of Death.

The Riders of the Apocalypse charged in, destroying the village as they went, killing all who stood in their way

by Metal Master January 5, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

low rider

Women with short leggs and a fat ass.

"Check her out, she's a low rider."

by Sanjian October 2, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

dutch rider

A person who is too cheap to drive their own vehicle.

"I am tired of taking Ed to work, he is such a dutch rider!"

person 1 " Hey can I get a ride to the party?"
person 2 " No take your own car, quit being a dutch rider."

by jaxin January 23, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

rough rider

A released prisoner on a public transportation bus that goes to jail or jail release facilities.

The Wards Island bus had even more rough riders than the bus coming from Rikers.

by William Gilbert August 17, 2005

90๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž

batty rider

Homosexual men who actively participate in the art of goujing ones cock into another mans rass.

-see gouj
-see rass

Charlie is Frank's batty rider.

by crazy joont March 16, 2003

74๐Ÿ‘ 161๐Ÿ‘Ž

Free Rider

A male who thinks he can pimp females at will, but does not get any ladies whatsoever.

What a fucking "free rider".

by Chris October 13, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

easy rider

when having sex with a girl with pigtails, grab them and ride her like a motorcyle, or use it for more force

i used to easy rider on alexa last night

by Kimosawby December 8, 2004

31๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž