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Boogie Man Words

Words and labels used as false/unproven allegations to vilify a person or groups of people.

The user of these words thinks that his/herself is awesome but, in reality, these words are convenient accusations used by the ego, to attack the other person/persons for their unworthiness, to bolster it's own awesomeness. This practice is an attempt by the user, to compensate for his/her true lack of integrity, intelligence, compassion, humility and lack of awareness - usually, unbeknownst to the user.
Example of words that can be used as "boogie man words": cooties, witch, boogie man, fascist, racist, homophobe (and at one time, homo), xenophobe, transphobe, conservatives, Trump supporters, anti-vaxxer, climate-denier, conspiracy theorist, tin-foil hatter, flat-earther, etc...

Pundit: "the democrats use boogie man words to silence the opposition"

by Wordonthestreet November 29, 2021

Bench Seat Boogie

Having sex in a truck or vehicle with a pull up bench seat in the middle

“Yeah me and Chloe did a little bench seat boogie last night in my F-150

by Dong.com April 12, 2023

Boogie Man

There is nothing that smells worst than him.

Smells better than Boogie Man.

by Not Pooperman April 14, 2020

boogie man

a friendly man who eats cheese and naughty kids

billy turned off the lights in the daycare and the boogie man ate 'em

by raybeez February 10, 2022

Boogie Man

A UwU guy who has a axe in his hand

2: was it the Boogie man~?

by Selena>< May 7, 2022

Slime slatt slizzle boogie

Ride or die

That’s my slime slatt slizzle boogie

by Nfb.kazy October 1, 2019

oogie boogie boo boo

The meaning when a man confesses his love to the person hes talking to

Jessica i feel oogie boogie boo boo towards yoy

by The thinker who thinks February 22, 2023