ok why? people died because of this, all claiming the naruto run is OP, yea its no one else fault but gullible FAT men that have nothing else to do in their life, also yea i don't know if they realized, but the " BOIBLE" say GOAT GOD only made earth and nothing else, soooo IM NOT AN BELIVER
A bunch of suicidal millennials and gen Z people trynna either clap some alien cheeks or keep E.T as a pet; however, these FUCKing idiots forgot that these aliens are being kept there for a reason.
Me and the boys boutta raid Area 51
A shit event that took 2 month to plan ahead. And when it finally happened, they got stopped by 2 officers. That’s all it took to Ruin a 2-month plan. It was also Awkward as shit.
Me: If you don’t shut the fuck up about that Area 51 bull shut I’m going to pull your arms off and shove it up your ass
A place we're naruto runners, anima weebs, gamer boys and girls, and even some vsco girls are going to get there aliens, and alien like things.
"Bro I'm going to the Area 51 storm to get me some hand sanitizer that kills 100% of germs"
area 51, is a place where the government is trying to get you to go. To kill 1,000000, people because of over population ( it makes sense dont it now?)
risky person: "wanna go to area 51?"
you: "no i saw this thing that says aliens are there"
risky person: *raises one eyebrow*
Area 51 is gonna get fucked in the ass by John wick
Fucking John wick is gonna raid Area 51 fuck yeah
A letdown. Except for that one guy who Naruto ran behind that reporter.
Goddamnit, I was watching the Area 51 livestream all day and all that happened was a couple of people got arrested