the really cool asian kid who is short and fat. he always has something to say but wont say it because is most likely going to be racially motivated. never stops hating in other peoples opinion.
yikes Andy le want to come play with us
a unit of money wasted over time; inflation adjusted to USD $100,000 / year
A: They're going to spend $2 million to build that useless pile of shit.
B: 20 andy years! Why?
Someone who is all for the company. Conformist. "Yes boss, I'll pick up your dry cleaning". Always starts a sentence with the word "well".
That guy is such a corporate Andy. Brown nosing the boss again.
Flappy belly skin that hangs over your vagina
You wanna fu*k me? Ok just let me lift up andy mcflapperson so you can get in
Andy is the all powerful God, of Shayla's Christian server.
He is the dad of all.
He is also very emo.
He is a booty tickler
-a guy- have you seen Andy Frecker anywhere?
-another guy- you mean dad?
-a guy- right *facepalms*
Andy c is a boi with cat bum hole lips
Look at that Andy c lips