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A thot

Ava is a thot

by Jzober November 28, 2017

3👍 10👎


Fucking slag that cheats on people. Also has down syndrome

Oh that's Ava. The autistic attention seeking sket

by Yourmumccrypto October 24, 2019

3👍 10👎


The bitchiest slut in the school. She usually lies to everybody about everything and back stabs everyone at any time possible

Hey look Ava the slut is here!

by Jklay May 24, 2015

16👍 95👎


A total bitch, Worst attitude ever, acts tough but she’s not, thinks she is all that, has a scoliosis problem and breaks back when she takes photos, cheats on her boyfriend with another guy, and is a total hoe don’t date her she will break your heart, she is really ugly inside and out! If you come across a Ava leave her immediately!

“Omg did you see ava kissing Ayden in the hallway, what a hoe”

“Omg yeah isn’t she dating Caden? “

“Yeah but she’s cheating on him like always“

by Ava B February 16, 2020

1👍 2👎


A fat piece of shit

My girlfriend is a Ava

Poor u dude

by H_1 February 9, 2020

1👍 2👎


an annoying person who is bullied by Lisa dalton

did u see ava
yea she’s a weirdos she’s obsessed with jasmine and her tiger

by miakhalifalookalike November 15, 2019

1👍 2👎


Ava is a bitch that only cares about herself. If you have an Ava in your life, you are probably trying to get rid of her. Although the is pretty and fun to be around at times, she will never really be there for you when you truly need her and she is really easy to piss off. She is pretty and everyone is jealous of her, but once you get to know her she is sassy, bratty, and a rumor-spreading bitch. Never trust an Ava because she will turn on u at any point when you don’t expect it. She will have everyone you love against you. Watch out for her and don’t let her fool you by her perfect smile and lushes hair.

Friend: “omg Ava is so pretty and nice”
Me: “ sure but she is a bitch in her natural habitat

by Ihateava.org June 6, 2020

1👍 2👎