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Full of awe, being amazed or amazing, experiencing overwhelming emotion of being amazed

I climbed the biggest mountain and at the top I saw the most spectacular view it was aweful!

by Kristie the great November 17, 2019


In South Africa the word "Awe" is used commonly in lightskin niggas usually as a greeting of respect

Person 1:awe my brudda.

Person 2: Aye im doing gucci.

by ppis me July 30, 2023


The south african way used across the whole country and every culture

It is often a way to say thank you or hello

Capetonian: Awe

Jozi boet: Awe brother

Jozi boet: Awe for the dop
Jozi boet 2: Awe brother any time

by NMitsLime January 29, 2022


Awe is a name, too. It comes from the Middle East. Awe is a name of a beautiful person with a great heart. She is the sunshine of our life. If u need something she will help u. Be nice to awe.

A: Man, I need a cola...
B: Dude, call awe.

A: Who is awe?
Awe: *brings cola*

by Kha1eesi July 11, 2019


The correct spelling of "short for 'Awesome'". What you say when "awesome" is too long to say, or when you want to sound and be cooler than the next guy still saying "awesome".

Daaaaamn, that shit was AWES!

Did you see that dude dive head first like that? That man is AWES!

by AWES AF June 2, 2023


Slang terminology

a way of greeting someone. Used by South African Durban Indians

Awe, how you doing

by Yankee Sierra November 2, 2021


A Zambian word that means no. Commonly used to show disagreement.

Awe, I hate it.

by Andrew Lane July 4, 2018