Source Code

open source

A synonym for "abandoned". It is commonly known that open-source projects all become abandoned at some stage, and thus abandoned is just a progressive state of open-source

Orphanges are houses for open source children.
The Smith's house became infested with bugs after they open-sourced it.
The beggar open-sourced his job and has no money to buy food or clothes.

by recre8 January 16, 2015

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Open Lid

A position in sex dedicated to the defimation of women. You drop a big stinkin load in the toilet two weeks prior to meeting the cunt. Then, you hit it doggystyle over the toilet, slamming the lid on her head occasionally while she takes in the sweet aroma.

Tracy cheated on me last week so I gave her the open lid as revenge.

by GG January 23, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Can Opener

A vagina with tremendous muscular control; e.g. capable of opening a can.

Q: Have you got any beer in the back of your truck?

A: Nope, sorry dude I've only got your girlfriend back here.

Dude: Well, be careful, she's got a real can opener.

by Oregontrials December 1, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

open game

When a girl is getting hit on by multiple guys, and vise versa. So it meaning that it could be anyone's chick/guy, hence the word "Open Game"

No way? Arnie and Rob are scammin on that same girl that your trying to get with? Daammnnnn... Open game son!

by -djsupagi- May 9, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fart of such noise and strength it can just open a bottle of beer to open a cold one with the boys

"Dude I swear to God I had Fart-Opener last night, it smelled! "

by Knee-Lover August 12, 2018

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Open The Lunchbox

To Emit Wind From Anus

God damm it who opened the lunchbox .
Lookout I gotta open the lunchbox

by Harassedhusband January 28, 2011

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Open get

When one notices all the flaws and imperfections, mostly idiocy, in someone, and then begins to tear them a new one in the most thorough of fashion. Named this due to the fact its as if all of their mental retardation was in an open field and you just got it all in one place to shove in their face.

Well the whore complained about abortions and wondered why her parents didn't accept her, John couldn't help but Open get her.

by toadsterBbox June 28, 2012

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