Sus-Box. The extension of the word Sus. You use "Sus-Box" with closest of friends to reference a suspicious act or activity. Can also be used as "Fool-Box" and "Homie-Box". The -Box suffix is a sacred word derived in the Hancock Park area.
Example: "He said some rasict shit? He's a sus-box!"
A disease that emerged during 2022 and was declared a global health emergency by the world health organisation.
The disease is transmitted through direct rectal injection by an infected person. Under no circumstances should you allow anyone to cream your pie, or you will fall victim to the disease.
Symptoms include warts, fatigue, rectal leakage, fistula, ape like vocalisations etc.
There is no cure for this disease. Ensuring you don't have vaginal or anal sex with random/infected people will reduce transmission.
Scientists are advising everyone unmarried to engage in "sexual distancing" which should be maintained at all times (minimum of a 6 inch gap between people). If people do need to get closer, a penis mask (condom) should be worn to reduce the spread of infected droplets.
Bill: "Why do you insist I wear a condom?"
Jeff: "Because, having a spunky box will be 9000 times worse than covid-19"
Box music is a term that refers to what was once known as alternative music back in the 90's. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, etc. The reason why the term evolved was because in college, students would go outside to smoke, these students would sit around the "call box" used to call up to the dorm room for guests to be let in. These "box people" often listened to this genre of music, thus the term.
Everytime I see Matt, he is listening to that box music on his stereo.
Public phone in jail that only sends collect calls, and does not receive calls.
After the quake all these sorry suckers jumped on the stress box. Funny chumps.
A box that is inside if every man's brain that allows men to think about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Person one: What are you thinking about?
Person two: Nothing
Person three: (to person two) He's in The nothing box
The quickest way to end friendships and kick someone's ass without getting hurt. The one game that you can throw your nun chuck and still be considered socially acceptable
I lost my friend to Wii boxing