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canadian friend

A Canadian Friend is someone that looks after you and is concerned about your well being- unlike an American friend, who makes fun of you

Person 1: My friend is such a Canadian friend to me.
Person 2: Lucky! I wish I had a Canadian friend. All I have are American friends!

by CoolCookey March 27, 2018

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Canadian Backjack

During Sexual Intercourse, A woman sticks her one of her tits into the mans asshole, and reaches around and jacks you off at the same time.

Man, I jus got Canadian Backjacked.

by Dillon Coolman June 13, 2011

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Canadian Gaggle

You lay a girl down in the middle of the floor naked in spread eagle position. A group of men form v formation and proceed to take a running start diving over her and shitting on her in mid-air. For full effect everyone make a honking sound.

Me and my buddies pulled a Canadian Gaggle on your mom last night.

by The Dirty Gardner December 1, 2016

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Canadian Horseshoe

The act of filling a woman's vagina with maple syrup and then having sex with her.

Holy shit she let you give her a canadian horseshoe?!

by Gizzlam December 13, 2009

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Reverse Canadian

the act of masterbating with your hand on your cock backwards.

Yo man i got bored of masterbating so i tried reverse canadian yesterday. Greatesr choice ever.

by Super boss dude guy October 31, 2010

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Going Canadian

To go without underwear. Sometimes meaning to wear no layer of underwear beneath a pair of long underwear or stockings/nylons. Also "going commando" or "free-balling." Used in areas of the United States.

"Hey bro, I've used up all my underwear and haven't done the laundry yet. Can I borrow yours?"
"No way. You're going Canadian today."

by Nicola D January 14, 2014

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Canadian freeze

when a very lonely girl freezes a water bottle solid and cuts the ice cube out. then, using the cube as a dildoshe begins to masturbate with it. as she gets into it, her vaginal juices freeze and the ice dildo is frozen in her snatch, resulting in either a hot shower or in worst cases a very embarrassing trip to the doctor.

person a: Dude! u hear about the girl that gave herself a Canadian freeze!?

person b: ya!! i hear she was doing it on camera to send to her boyfriend!

Person b: damn, if i was the guy id get the hell out of that crazies life

by rufcamat February 19, 2010

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