Source Code

Carter's height

carter's height is ∞

carter's height is ∞

by csdsd March 28, 2020

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Nick Carter

Nick Carter's always has always been overly highly rated in singing because of good looks. He is more pretty boy than a good singer he was popular mainly because of model pretty boy looks with pretty C level in talent singing voice combined equals million of dollars madden career but it sounds good even though he is not that talented enough to win American Idol. I think posters him sold more than the songs his whole life. He is good at pretty boy winning lots of money in singing by winning the hearts of lots of girls with love songs and pretty, nice, sweet boy charm and being good looking while smiling.

Nick Carter's always has always been overly highly rated in singing because of good looks. He is more pretty boy than a good singer he was popular mainly because of model pretty boy looks with pretty C level in talent singing voice combined equals million of dollars madden career but it sounds good even though he is not that talented enough to win American Idol. I think posters him sold more than the songs his whole life. He is good at pretty boy winning lots of money in singing by winning the hearts of lots of girls with love songs and pretty, nice, sweet boy charm and being good looking while smiling.

by liwa12345 June 1, 2021

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Carter Brown

The ultimate autism god who likes butt stuff and needs help having sex. He also is know to have a think for the toes of both genders

Connor: Do you know Carter Brown likes anal?
Gracie: Yes! The autism god

by mothers penis April 2, 2020

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papa carter

A man who refers to his boss as his daddy . Often occupation is "warehouse manager". Often referred to as a brown noser.

I didn't have a daddy to teach me how to read a tape measure, luckily "papa carter" did!

by The mother trucking man June 1, 2017

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carter sirman

The name you use when you want to call someone ugly and gay as hell at the same time.


person: Yo have you seen Sam
person 2: ya he’s such a carter sirman
person: yea he’s a fag

by dixonyourass October 20, 2019

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Cups Carter

A sassy girl who has a tendency to injure her partner during sex.

She did me a right cups carter last night. She kneed me right in the balls.

by Mr Arkibald February 5, 2010

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Carter Moore

He is a sexy god with a 12 inch penis. He gets all the women whenever he wants. He eats their asses when he feels like it and stays up all night fucking.

Damn, that guy is really cool. He gets with so many women.
Oh yeah, that guy is Carter Moore

by God=Hitler May 14, 2018

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