Change lifestyle: If you continue to make decisions that ruin your life, you need to change your lifestyle. Be determined to and make it a priority to make changes that will change your life for the better.
pulled a chang is getting ur whole city to hate you
that kids like chang he just pulled a chang
to suffer the wrath, for one week every month, of a 6 woman team suffering from synchronised pmt
david was left a sobbing mess after being change controlled for missing his turn at making the coffee
A physical response to a male friend or coworkers dig or insults at your expense. A open hand slap delivered across the side of there face or head followed by announcing Here's your pimp change.
Guy 1- your broke ass can't even pay attention.
Guy 2- slaps him open hand across the face
Good one and here's your pimp change.
a word only a legend dares to speak, FLIP.
what do you do when you have to take your mathematical equation number to the other side? FLIP
Ow man activeteh, this is flippin noice. We chANGE.
people of a few will only understand this word, they're such warriors, they have survived the age of FLIP.
Me: Aw,Great. We have math next.
My friend: Nah, im sure today we will we change.
Me: Oh? no no, we have ActEvetEH.
My friend: pff, FLIP!
When an unmotivated friend sticks around for multiple friend change overs. Moods associated with said friend and event often include heavier than normal drinking, lashing out, sadness, depression, anger, loss of sexual drive, bitterness, over sleeping, over eating, and diarrhea.
Bob's on a bitter bender this month because we have another changing of the guard.
The act of jostling your partner's ball-sack side to side with a one handed cupping motion.
Yeah, she was really good at sorting change, if ya' know what I mean.
Her: Yeah Dad, just helping my boyfriend sort his change.
Dad: So that's what they're calling it these days.