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tiktok cringe

A tiktoc that is so bad it makes losers cringe

oh great more tiktok cringe

by thebest_sourpickle September 2, 2022

Cringe Baby

A term used to describe one who displays high levels of cringe.

Cringo: Dude, look at this hacker. He's so cringe bro
Chadman: You're just bad cause you're a stupid little cringe baby waaaah waaaah that's the sound of the cringe baby

by CorndogScammer September 30, 2019

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Cringe ngl

Cringe ngl:

is a word that people use to describe someone else.


short for 'Not gonna lie'

"that kid with the fortnite shirt is cringe ngl"

"you're being kinda cringe ngl"

by Fezzty_ March 1, 2021

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One who uses the word "cringe" or "cringey" so much, they ironically become cringe-inducing themself

Dequeerius: Oh my gosh, this lunch is so cringeworthy
D-squared-ius: Eesh, he really is the Anti-Cringe of Prophecy

by LorenzoMatterhorn May 21, 2017

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Morbid cringe

An obsessive and addictive contemptuous fascination with a particular person or group.

Person 1: Look at this person just existing, that's so cringe, let's make fun of them for years and make a wiki about their entire life.

Person 2: That's morbid cringe

by bistchasz May 10, 2020

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Love cringe

A strong, slightly uncomfortable yet good feeling you get in your chest when you see, think, or even hear of someone you are deeply attracted to.

Man, every time I see Diana Silvers, I love cringe so hard

by That_Lil_Sleeze June 6, 2020

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minge cringe

Minge cringe is the pathological fear of poontang.

Danny's date was going fine until Edie's pants came off and, overcome by minge cringe, he ran screaming from the room.

by scodder April 23, 2010

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