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Crush Attack

When your thinking about your crush for a long ass time. Like bro your stalking them, and your just fucking looking at their pictures and listening to their type of music. And your just sitting on your couch with a hoodie and think to yourself โ€œdamn he/she will never like meโ€ and your heart is pounding. So yea thatโ€™s a ducking crush attack.

Jade: yo you good fam
Nathaly: nahh...brooo. I canโ€™t stop thinking about this fuckinggg bitchhhhh. Ughhh.

Jade: damn bruh. Crush attacks suck
Nathaly: frrrrr

by Babygirlforlifemyguy April 16, 2019

Candy Crush

Poor excuse for a game.

A piece of garbage that denies of social life for the user and annoys all the people around. Its extensive levels and difficulty made people became addicted and ask for lifes to their facebook friends, and send countless invitations. Another example of the Cyber-geddon.

It's just a copy of bejeweled.

Child: Dad, I'm hungry !

Father: Oh..! your mother is playing Candy Crush and forgot to make dinner for you!

by Lokillo July 23, 2013

259๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hallway Crush

When you "like" someone you've never talked to or have met typically in a school or work place environment usually passing them in a hallway of some sort.

Person one - OMG is that your hallway crush?!

Person two - yeah

Person one - what's their name again?

Person two - I don't know

by hey_there_delilah February 20, 2022

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

passing crush

an excuse that someone uses when they are trying to cover up the fact that they have an actual crush on someone

I donโ€™t really like Bob, I just think heโ€™s cute, funny and smart! Donโ€™t worry itโ€™s just a passing crush

by Passing crush January 5, 2018

1583๐Ÿ‘ 386๐Ÿ‘Ž

Straight Crush

When a gay person has a crush on, or is in love with, a straight person.

Examples of "Straight Crushes" in movies include: in Silkwood, Dolly (played by Cher) is in love with Karen (Meryl Streep); and in the movie Threesome when Josh Charles' gay character is infatuated with Stephen Baldwin's straight character. It could be argued very strongly that Plato (Sal Mineo) has an intense straight crush on Jim (James Dean) in Rebel Without a Cause.

by GettaGund December 9, 2008

43๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crush rage

When you really like your crush and you go into a tantrum and rant to your friends about it. This usually happens when you are overly obsessed with your crush.

Friend: Are you talking about Danny?
Other Friend: Oh boy, she's going on a Crush rage again

by LoveDoctress July 27, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crush Box

A vulgar, but entertaining, idiom used for describing the act of vaginal copulation. Derived from the slightly more vulgar expression "crush piss box"

Son, if the third base coach waving you in, go crush box.

by DTP4L4L March 23, 2010

50๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž