What little kids playing in the playpark give me
Kid1: sir what's that
Man: it's my erection
Kid1: what's that?
Man: want to find out? ;)
When blood flow happens to enlarge the groin.
I came so my erection would disappear.
Why this is an exclamation point of course! It is a period that is in a state of enthusiasm. It has nothing to do with vulgar sex stuff or menses.
Teacher: "Okay class. Today we will learn about the exclamation point and what it means. Understood?"
The teacher then draws one on the smartboard.
Ernie: "Umm, Miss B? Why does your period have a boner? It's like a period erection or something!"
Class laughs.
Teacher: "That's enough, class! Ernie! Get your hands out of your pants! You little pervert! Stop staring at my chest!"
NH women’s first round test for estimating national public approval of select prospective sexual partners. Using mass media to share your oral event, your partner goes down town rounding third base with a hands-on demonstration while you debate the best approaches to meeting all of the needs of your cuntry. A popular vote ensures that the incumbent moves on to a second round, so that they can officially Iowa cock-us.
Joe- Have you been watching Becky’s New Hampshire Primary Erection? You can tell she’s wicked excited about the whole thing.
Stephanie- Yeah! I love how liberally the first candidate gives..
Joe- give Becky an inch and she’ll take a mile though…
Stephanie - it’s still noble how much he focuses on cummunity. Some say he’s thrusting himself into the spotlight, but I like it. Naw’mean?
A cause of death that can only happen to men that once suffered from some sort of erectile dysfunction but somehow was miraculously healed before death came calling.
"RIP Donald Trump" and all his staunch supporters that are not Republican Party members cry out when he is going out erect.
When you take a hit from the Lemon Chello Cartnite cart and blow it into a man's urethra so that his dick gets chill like that and gets less hard.
Yo bruh, she gave me that De-Erection and everything was A-Okay!
A law that is so stupid and profoundly inadequate but remains in existence because it gives lawmakers an erection when considering its monetary benefits. Erection law. Look for it in your textbooks.
Oh, you're a sociopath and want to act as your own defense in court? Sure! Erection Law!
Or basically all laws that involve a plea bargain that gives you an inadequate sentence to an intolerable offense. See: manslaughter.