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Guy Fieri's Giant Ass Explosion Dramatica

The brutalist, most ear piercing, intense music you will ever hear in your entire life.

Guy 1-Yo i cant wait for Guy Fieri's Giant Ass Explosion Dramatica' new album "duct taped to a moose('s cock)!!
Guy 2-I know i cant wait to hear such classic songs as barftrails, and cellino and barnes.

by gfgaed February 15, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

pound it lock it chain it EXPLOSION *wizard fingers*

When you and someone else, preferably a fried agree on something or say something at the same time and then perform this sequence in awesomeness. Or when something great happens.

1.To "pound it" you must punch each others fist together.
2.To "lock it", you twist your fists in opposite directions signifying the "locking".
3. Then to "chain it", you slide your wrists towards each other.
4. Then EXPLOSION is done by moving your hands away from each other with open hands quickly and saying "explosion"
5. Finally, right after the explosion, you wiggle the fingers on both of your hands pointed at the other person like you are doing a magical spell on them.

Ex)pound it lock it chain it EXPLOSION *wizard fingers*

Brian: LOCK IT!
Ryan:Chain it!

*wizard fingers*

by Fenno June 8, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Explosive Dildo

An extinct dodo bird brought to life by scientists, and is repeatedly put through selective breeding to mutate it into the shape of a dildo. Then, it has C4 strapped to it and force fed dynamite. Lastly, it gets dropped out of a cargo plane and the explosives are detonated, spraying wet soggy meat everywhere.

My brother got mad at me for shoving an explosive dildo up his ass.

by Professional Racist February 2, 2022


when something is exploded and still exploding
its such a good word

person 1: sends loads of messages
person 2: my phone is explosed

by assmunchermomo June 17, 2023


When information or a situation gets exposed in an explosive manner. Something being exposed in a very sudden often dramatic manner.

When Ted Rimmel Jr got caught french kissing his mother on the ferris wheel, Ted's secret got explosed.

It was a very dramatic explose when Ted Rimmel Jr got caught making love with his mother in his car at the local public lover's lane parking spot. At that very moment, the truth of all the rumors and gossip was also explosed.

by Ted Rimmel Jr December 4, 2024


When you use bombs to strip someone naked. A mix of exploding and exposing.

"Hasan is going to explose soon!"

by uoihfaiyhudfguiojasdioujgfasdi December 27, 2024


To use explosives (grenade, cannonball, homemade bomb, ect) to expose yourself

Hasan: "I'm gonna explose in the apartment"
Hasan's upstairs neighbour "Not if I do it first"

by uoihfaiyhudfguiojasdioujgfasdi December 27, 2024