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Railroad food

AKA Chinese food. Derived form the large amount of Asians who worked building the railroads in the 19th century, introducing much of Western North America to Chinese food.

I'm hungry, I could really go for some railroad food!

by Jdub73 June 23, 2014

food terrorism

Food terrorism is the act of uploading delicious-looking food pictures on SNS late at night, so that many people suffer from sudden severe hunger when they should not eat.

'Would you stop uploading pictures of burgers and pizzas at night? That makes us go and grab some. That is food terrorism!'

by Hirogebra May 1, 2020

Flat food

Flat food are waffles and pancakes or something that's from a vending machine if you do business duty.

If you watch the Mr. Men Show on Cartoon Network, Boomerang or YouTube, you'll notice something about Miss Whoops' problem with eating pancakes.

The only food that does not count are: pizza, sandwiches and cookies

Miss Whoops: "Pancakes?? I really don't like flat food!"

by Rebecca K. Lunetta July 21, 2018

Crowd Food

A spectacular feat or stunt completed in real life or on a virtual landscape (i.e. Street Fighter) in front of a group of people for the sake of exciting the crowd.

Crowd: Ooooooooh...
Observer1: Did you see that combo, nigga?!
Observer2: Crowd food. uh AH!

Crowd: Aww shit! Oooooooo...

by doctormangleya August 3, 2010

The Food Game

A game typically played by blue collar tradesman in which one person is the "feeder" and the other is the "taster". The feeder is usually of higher standing (a journeymen) and the taster is generally lower (apprentice). The feeder will flatuate in the taster's face while the taster deeply inhales. The taster must then guess what the feeder had for dinner the following evening . This is sometimes an out from completing basic apprenticeship duties such as cleanup, carrying tools, locking tool boxes, etc.

Journeyman: "i wont make you take trash today if you win at the food game"

Apprentice: "fuck yeah, say less! I never lose at the food game"

by SquarebodDaD August 31, 2022

food fraud

well, it's obvious...fraud amongst the food chain. the industrial food chain and the items posing as "food" that are seriously killing people and leading to disastrous epidemics like childhood diabetes and OBESITY. this is superbly perplexing and intriguing as not many people actually consume "food" and if they do, it is rare. the real trouble with food fraud is how most people have no idea what the eff they are actually eating and the environmental/ecological footprint it creates.

person 1: "Hey man, let's go grab some McDonalds!!"
person 2: "Oh hell no, they are committing major food fraud over there! 45 of their 60 menu items are made from corn!!"
person 1: "Oh come on, you must be joking, it is delicious there and we can eat a bunch of shit for under $10!"
person 2: "We can eat a bunch of shit is right!!!"

by teddytbird November 17, 2011

Hole Foods

1. Synonym for cunnilingus

2. A woman's crotch

3. A derogatory reference to the chain store Whole Foods

"I'd rather be eating hole foods right now."

"She had some musty hole foods."

"I can't afford hole foods this week."

by Wally Wendell January 16, 2014