Skating in regards to Street Gliderz. (Something similar to Heely's but can strap onto ANY shoe)
He was Street Gliding on the sidewalk.
It means a girl who is their for you, she knows when the right time to say something to help you. She gives you the shoulder to cry on when you need it the most. If you ever have a Marian street in your life your lucky. I am sure she would be a very long-suffering wife
Friend:”did you see That girl earlier?”
Friend: She is such a Marian Street..
You: what do you mean Marian Street?
Friend: Marian Street means she is so kind hearted and sweet.
Drunken means of attracting the opposite sex by waving or thrashing the penis in public.
John thought he would blag a sheila with his street lure last night after we left the pub.
A fine mixed beverage created by drinking half a 40 (Steel Reserve works best) and then pouring a Sparks or Joose into the bottle (along with the remaining flat beer).
Jim: I've got four dollars and I want to get loaded.
John: Skip the 4 Loko, go for a street slammer!
A place in Los Santos, CJ's Home
Grove Street, home. At least it was before I fucked everything up.
1. A hustler, a dealer, an entrepreneur.
2. A person who is self-made e.g. came from rags to riches, from bottom to the top, from entry-level to become an executive.
3. An individual motivated by success that is known to conduct their business both legally and illegally to gain profits.
4. A person in a high level position within a crime organisation, who is considered to be highly valuable. A person in a position of power e.g. An executive of a company.
Smart guy, he's done well for himself, he's all about his money and success, he's a streets executive.
A street named Brown. Generally named after someone famous who had Brown as a surname.
Nothing sexual at all, so don't overanalyze it.
Patrons are asked not to park in Brown Street.