"Skibidi Frat Boy," a term coined by Amanbir Dhandiya Dhanda Anda Singh Gupta, originated from a moment of frustration and creative boredom when no one was available to interact with him. This term describes a scenario where a fraternity member attends a party and becomes captivated by the internet phenomenon known as "Skibidi Toilet." Enthralled by the content, the frat boy then isolates himself in the bathroom at the party venue and metaphorically transforms into a "Skibidi Frat Boy," signifying his newfound obsession with the Skibidi Toilet videos.
"I might transform into a 'Skibidi Frat Boy' after watching an episode of 'Skibidi Toilet.'"
the conversation between two frat bros the first time they meet and discover they are both greek. While they may be from different houses and schools, they still manage to talk for hours about their fratting experiences (slampieces, hazing pledges, etc.)
Slampiece 1: Look at Sean, he's managed to find the one other frat guy at my birthday party and now they're gonna frat chat for the next two hours
It's like a frat, but with all girls.
Ya know, at the lady frat, it's literally a sorority.
When you puke at a party and blame it on someone else.
When you puke at a party and blame it on imaginary people that just so happened to have the same dinner as you that evening.
These guys came in here and Frat Puked sushi all over the floor!
Just your typical cock sucker frat bro. Buddy loves his blow and his white claws. He spends his week days smoking the worst skunk weed you’ll ever find and the weekend fucking 3’s and telling his friends he’s “that guy”
Freddy the frat rat’s throwing a banger at the house this weekend, should be epic.
A queer or lesbian identifying woman (often in a backward cap) who exhibits "hey mamas" qualities but is a "golden retriever" at heart. Typically they come off as intimidating and douchey, but don't let that fool you, for she is a true gentleman.
I got this jacket from a frat gentleman last night at the club; she gave it to me because I was cold and told me to keep it.
This is what you call the girlfriend of a not so fratty fratboy. She is in fact more fraternal with the true brothers of the fraternity than her boyfriend. It is worth noting that a frat lance is usually blonde.
“Oh look, it’s frat lance, she’s so much frattier than normal Lance”