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blood from a stone

An unlikely event requiring much effort.

Trying to get you to find a job is like trying to get blood from a stone.

by Gumba Gumba August 4, 2004

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Hanging from the chandeliers

Crazy sex

Dude, sarah and zach were practically hanging from the chandeliers last weekend.


15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit from the asssssssssssssss

When something's bullshit, or literally shit, or when someone or something is being a pain in the ass or fucked up.

n. That was a huge shit from the asssssssssssssss
v. I'll call you back later, i'm gonna go shit from the asssssssssssssss.
adj. That test was so shit from the asssssssssssssss... i think i failed it.

by TaMaDe88888 November 23, 2008

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from fresh to hesh

In the skateboarding world. The transformation of someones style/attitude/clothing from a hiphop-oriented, slightly bling to a more out of style, 'I don't give a fuck'-approach.
If done by a professional skateboarder this is sometimes viewed as a marketing decision. However personal changes are probably a more important reason.
The opposite direction is also imaginable.

See also fresh, hesh.

"Hey Chris, who's that guy in your video part with the bald head, baggy jeans and the white shirt?"

Chris: "That's me. It's footage from last year, before I transformed from fresh to hesh."

by George Forehand June 3, 2005

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The Princess From The Future

One very famous Person on Quotev, formerly known as Quizazz, who has currently 412 followers.

Her followers are called "Oreos" and she acts as a princess and she will be the reason she has ruined your social life. Alike everyone else on Quotev, she has no social life. Yet, she says she "luffs" all of her "Oreos". She is called Maddie and will hurt you if you call her Madison, which is part of her full name. She is a very awkward and weird person, or time lord, as her "About Me" states. She is claimed to be very kind.

Ok, The Princess From The Future is really amazing.

by [____________________________] May 19, 2013

xbox from gettr

some really hot guy from gettr you should follow

xbox from gettr is hot and you should follow him on gettr for his very funny geets

by totally not xbox October 12, 2021

boyfriend from fnf

little 19year old dude that has blue hair red hat his balls are blue annoys everyone he sees

OMG IS THAT BOYFRIEND FROM FNF !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Boyfriend: Beep bop skadop

by Dumb eggy lol March 27, 2022