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G Funk

A humorous name for Great Falls, Montana. Often used by teens going to either CMR or Great Falls Highschool who would rather live in Bozeman or Missoula. G Funk is best known for its Military Airforce Base (Malmstrom AFB), its dams on the Missouri River, and the city's general lack of charm. The word G Funk is often used alonside "Montucky"; a funny name for rural Montana. As in "G Funk, Montucky".

Teen: "Dad, why do we have to live in f*cking G Funk, Montucky?!"
Dad: "We didn't get to choose, buddy. I'm in the Airforce and this is the base they're sending us to. Besides, it's so close to the mountains!"
Teen: "Then why not live in the f*cking mountains?"
Dad: "ugh..." *slap!*

by Montucky Man July 22, 2018

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mohunk funk

when a gambler, 'playah', doesn't win or gives back all winnings to a casino and regrets it the next day

Playah won last night, then gave it all back, Playah is in a Mohunk funk today.

by playah plays July 21, 2010

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splatter funk

A type of music that is a fusion of goth, punk, and funk; pioneered by Malice in Leatherland.

Splatter funk makes me want to...

by ClockworkRose December 20, 2004

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Cock Funk

Similar to ball funk, however, all of the bits of dead skin and pubic hair collect on ones penis.

"Hey, you got any baby wipes? I need to clean up my cock funk."

by [Kira] November 27, 2008

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funk shadler

An asshole, that no one likes; a shriveled penii, generally a negative term

that dick over there is a funk shadler

by HOBARTROBART February 5, 2004

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da funk

funky smell from vaginal disorder or disease.

also see: rotten twatt

Kathy hasn't taken a shower in a week... That bitch is got da funk!

by Brandon March 21, 2005

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da funk

we want it and cant live with out it


by kkkillllttttthefffetus March 27, 2005

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