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general booty

The caption of the football team. The hottest and most popular guy around. Is 6'2 and has quite the abs. Everyone loves general. He goes for what he wants and won't take shit from anyone. Loves his family and is very loyal to his friends. Would protect his girlfriend against the world. General Booty will be the next biggest NFL player.

Damn, who is that hot guy?
That's general Booty!

by Mysterryyyy girllll September 17, 2017

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General Sarcasm

a response to the classic 'captain obvious' insult.

Person 1: "Wow, that skyscraper is tall!"



by Habakkuk May 17, 2012

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Generation Z

Todays teens and children born from 1995-2010. Most of the members of Generation Z either don't remember or vaugely remember key events such as the September 11th terrorist attacks or the invasion of Iraq. Most however have been affected by the currant "Great Recession"(2008-present). Unlike Millenials, or Generation Y, Generation Z will grow up in a childhood and teenhood without the luxury of a strong economy. Many compare Generation Z to the Silent Generation who were in between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boom Generation.

Alternate names for Generation Z include the Homeland Generation or the Homelanders and the Vacant Generation or the Vacants.

Baby Boomer: Peace man!!!!
Generation X: Long live Cobain!!!!
Generation Y/Millenial: Who needs Peace and Grunge when you have Lady Gaga!!!
Generation Z: I wish I could buy an iPad, but I'm in debt!

by rgreenberg15 November 3, 2010

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General Chat

A chat room on Neopets that was once a legendary gathering place for fun-loving, open-minded people.
Unfortunetly, the creators of Neopets (Adam and Donna) gave way under pressure and decided that they would like their site to become the new Pokemon. They soon began the sick process of "cuteification", thus alienating their original fan base of bored college and high school students. In the process, they REMOVED the GC, then replaced it with pathetic new chat rooms so stuffed with unnecessary features that they loaded too slowly to allow the natural flow of conversation.
You will find former regs of the GC dispersed among the internet. Try looking on Sensipets, for a start.

The Doctor will probably recommend this post for deletion because he is a cretin troll.

by Goldfish February 27, 2005

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The Forgotten Generation

People born between 1995-2002

Aren't Millennials but also can't identify with Gen Z Culture

Many similarities with the Lost Generation born between 1883-1900 who grew up during the aftermath of WWI and The Great Depression. Similarly the Forgotten Generation lived not only through the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Great Recession in 2007, but also live in a post 9/11 America that is driven by xenophobia and fear of fascism.

The Lost Generation also experienced a rapid flow of new information just as the Forgotten Gen is experiencing now. The Introduction of many new technological advances is seen in both generations.

Forgotten Gen kids also can relate to the Lost Generation in the sense that they are skeptical of all authority, especially parents, as back then their parents were pushing for the prohibition of alcohol which can be seen mirrored today with the Forgotten Gen pushing for legalization of Marijuana, while our parents tend to be against it.

Many members of both generations have been known to reject more traditional ideas of proper behavior, morality, and gender roles. Both generations are considered to be β€œlost” due to the tendency to act aimlessly, even recklessly, often focusing on the hedonistic accumulation of personal wealth.

Both the Lost Gen and the Forgotten Gen started exploring its own set of values, ones that clearly went against what their elders had already established.

You know i just really can't relate to millennials or gen z, I feel like i'm part of the forgotten generation.

by god is a lesbian yuh December 12, 2018

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The Dumbest Generation

A book of generalizations of the Millennial generation in the United States. Or more specifically, a book about a rise in ignorance and narcissism in society, pinned solely on the Millennial generation. While some parts of the book are informative in terms of digital learning, much of it's just a rant consisting of "Kids these days don't think like I do, therefore they're dumb."

If you want to see the train wreck that is "The Dumbest Generation" for yourself, and it's available at your local library, borrow it. Don't buy it, it's worth about as much as the Zimbabwean dollar circa 2008.

by Goody Pfeffernusse January 19, 2012

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Rerun Generation

Any generation whose source of cultural identity comes from stealing everything that was popular at least 2 decades ago. The basis for most ideas in music, TV shows, and movies come from other music, TV shows and movies, and are the foundation of what is popular, instead of people coming up with original ideas.

When "The Dukes of Hazzard" made it to the big screen after being off TV for years, you knew without a doubt America was controlled by a Rerun Generation.

by Eric D Red April 2, 2006

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