A president supported by the upper middle class or rich. He is also fervently supported by evangelical Christians who may not necessarily be wealthy. Many supporters hold the belief that any leader other than Bush or another Republican would have cowered after the worst attack ever on US soil. This belief has no factual basis. FDR – a democrat, responded after Pearl Harbor, JFK – a democrat, responded after Soviet efforts to place nuclear missiles in Cuba, et cetera.
Policies are based off ideology rather than facts. Ideology comes first then evidence is sought to support these theories.
Many consider GWB to be the most adept in propaganda since Joseph Goebbels of Nazi Germany, although not a Nazi himself. Examples include the following:
Perhaps his greatest accomplishment in this area was convincing a majority of Americans that Iraq was involved in or perpetrated the attacks on 9/11. After failure to find WMD’s in Iraq Bush was able to convince Americans that humanitarian reasons were, in fact, the main reason for invasion. This tends to run counter to his claim in 2000 that he did not believe in nation building. This also ignores the fact that many nations including Russia, France, and the United States were able to break free of their own will from oppressive dictatorships. He was also able to convince Americans that terrorism exists due to blind hatred of democracy and western culture, not policies of the West. Generally terrorists (such as Al Qaeda) site the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and western occupation of Arab lands as reasons for their acts, not hatred of “freedom”.
In terms of domestic policy, Bush supports large and small businesses with the theory that in time benefits will trickle down to lower income citizens. So far this has led to a booming stock market, but little job growth due to outsourcing and higher productivity.
Bush Voter #1: Bush sure has made the economy great! Any day now I'll be able to find a job, I just know it. Just look at the stock market!
Bush Voter #2: Good thing Gore isn't in power. Saddam and Osama Bin Laden would have taken over our country by now!
Bush Voter #3: God bless George Bush, he would never cheat on his wife like Bill Clinton!
Bush Voter #4: Hey Bush isn't a Democrat right? Oh good, I'll vote for him then!
249👍 88👎
The eternal dumbass with the IQ of a raisin who is the leader of the hell-hole now called America. Free country my arse. He is censoring porn, tying in religion with government, and goes on vacation more than any other president. He made up the UMD's in Iraq and is gonna get us nuked. It's said that Bin Laden already has plans to nuke us with bombs snuck into the USA.
I hope all you who voted for Bush suffer...
327👍 120👎
(jack-ass)Noun:for sure the most stupidest thing walking on this earth. A dumb ass pansy who people tell him to state that he went to Yale. However this is obviously not true because as everyone has heard his kindergarden level speeches. And he said that he went to Iraq to "unsaddamize" it. he lives off his daddy's money and the money from the people to go on "vocation to do som unting." The puppet for Dick Cheney when he can't formulate words which is every second of every day. The person who says he is opposed to gay marrage however is on the down low with Tony Blairbut having a affair with Dick Cheney. The bringer of the apocolypse.
1)Dick: hey George... why don't you hummmm.... look around the White House for the Weapons of Mass Destruction. Yeah thats it! The adults have to talk now.
Bush: O.K. prances around and looks under the sofa saying, "Nope no Weapons of Mass Destruction here. Maybe it is in the fridge????"
2)Just a plain DUMBASS WANKER!!
372👍 140👎
1 - American Bonehead
2 - The most famous redneck of the world
3 - The reason why the Americans are so hated
4 - The reason why Jesus will never come back
5 - The reason why Aliens avoid Earth
6 - A shame for all mankind
7 - From Texas
8 - Republican
you really need an example of George W Bush stupidity ?
285👍 105👎
A dumbass that was elected president by the American people twice. How did this happen? I don't know. Without a doubt he is the worst president the US has ever had.
Because of George "W" Bush I have to pay so much damn money for gas.
657👍 257👎
Geroge W. Bush:
What every decent, law abiding, hard working American parent teaches their children not to be.
Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of George W. Bush for a moment...
If your son or daughter turned out to lie and cheat compulsively, indulged in drugs and alcohol to the maximum, never did a days work, took every handout possible, ruined everything they ever touched, neglected every responsibility given to them...
...deserted from the military...
...took more vacation days then anyone before them in the job they had....
and above all else expressed themselves like an idgit with marbles in their mouth....
would you welcome that Father's Day/Mothers Day card that read..."Thank you for helping me become what I am today."???
heck, maybe in the family of George W Bush family, they are relieved...
307👍 115👎