Tara Yummy fan: Omg, tara’s so funny. She’s so cool and not a pick me stop hating.
Me: glaze
ex 1: person 1-"Your literally stunning, nobody in this world could ever compare to your beauty" person 2-"Nigga stop glazin"
ex 2: person 1-"Nigga you built like a improper fraction, nigga you built like a Goombas from Mario Bros, nigga you bout ugly as shit" person 2- "Nigga hop off my tip your glazing.
Glaze has multiple meanings, one being somebody who is over-complementing/meat riding somebody. Another meaning of glaze is if you are ganging up on someone.
being on someone’s case; always having something to say
Mike: “I’m going to store later with my mom.”
Jamal: “No one cares” or “ Of course you would be going to the store”
Mike: “That’s such a glaze bro”
when someone is about to shed tears after being done over
" Brooksy fell over, someone get Brooksy a kleenex, he's going to glaze"
" i think im gna need a lifejacket cos Brooksy is gona glaze"
" il go get my snorkel an mask, Brooksys gna glaze"
1: A noun referring to being too easygoing or supportive of poor-quality material or actions.
2: A verb referring to unironically supporting atrocious material or a horrible person.
Common use: The glaze is crazy!
Informational use: How is Sarah being praised for her acting? She can’t even change her walk any. I guess everyone is just glazing for her.
When your girl has to make a boo boo but you pack it and cum on the turd and it comes out super shiny like a glazed donut
I gave her a glazed chocolate bar last night and her turd hit the bed