A person who generates income through, books, columns and speaking gigs. They dress up a moderate viewpoint with hate and use incendiary comments in order to monetize them.
Ignore that guy he's just a hate whore.
A term used when you loathe slow or non responsive technology.
Jason: Damn that internet connection!
KC: I see you got your Tech Hate on.
A phrase used to cheer your friend on while he's arguing to let him know he's taking mad W's / Used to tell your friend he has a W opinion when he's hating on something
Friend: Bro this mf is such a poopyhead
You: W hating
Any place of employment in which all employers, employees, and affiliates hate one another.
Used to show someone exactly how much you dislike them. A hate spiel is a series of events, negative in nature and usually but not always fictional, that you list and take credit for. It is usually concluded by an event more catastrophic than the others that you do not take credit for but instead laugh at.
Remember that person who tried to kill you? That was me. When your dog got poisoned? Also me. Your parents, hit by a car? Not me, but I laughed.
The flabby under arm area of extremely over weight people. Typically characteristic of obese Karen’s who have nothing better to do then judge everyone else
-You should’ve seen the “hate pillows” on that bitch start flapping when she thundered over to cock block that dude from her friend.
It's when someone starts saying they hate something, just because there's a lot of other people who also hate that thing.
For example, if a new video game was released, and a lot of people hated the game, someone might start saying they also hate it, but they only "hate" it because so many other people say they hate the new game. It's like that person is hopping onto a hypothetical "hate bandwagon".