The most mid and annoying guy to ever live. Everything he says is bothering someone. And he also got 2 from cycle test in IT class.
Class mate 1: "Jan Jonáš isn't that annoying today"
Jonáš: "Oh really?"
Class mate 1: "I changed my mind"
He thinks he’s ard and loves sticking his dick in watermelons. He can’t walk past the fruit aisle in tescos without penetrating something.
A Suggs sub slut who loves men
Jan Gunnar is such a Jan Gunnar
Jan Peacock is an elderly woman who bullies people on twitter, from her tablet, in the nursing home. She is on everyone’s shit list.
Guy 1: Did you see that grandma bullying people on twitter?
Guy 2: No, show me.
Guy 1: *Shows guy 2 elderly woman’s tweet*
Guy 2: Fuck, someone call the nursing home and tell them to take Jan Peacocks tablet away.
'wears all the stonies that are in the world. plays hockey very agresively. always talks about hockey and school. Says he is not rich, but he is the richest person on earth. he is very smart. and kind a cute as well.
kees jan is very rich an great in bed.
Jan harms is epic and cool gamer that gets all the girls (and boys) and is very hot and sexy and fuckable and also has a wife named Shay Harms, Shay Harms and Jan Harms got married on May 5th 2021.
Jan Harms is 6'0 and is 14 (fuckinf giant)
He has a dog named Willow, women mostly like him because of his dog.
Jan Harms hates China, Germany best country.
Jan Harms hates pugs.
Woman 1: is that Jan Harms??
Woman 2: omg its Jan Harms!!
Woman 3: hwes swo hawt >w<