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joseph azarian

Teen guy on a reality show, lives in Boston, likes Trump... Thinks he's the bombest

Guys, did you see Joseph Azarian on TV last night? Why does that show have so many seasons?

by bombest March 7, 2017

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sleepy joseph

when you ask a halethrain a question and he refuses to answer you. usually occurs in your room with guns and while you are asleep.

"oh hey hale, you woke me up. so hey whats a good barb template.... hello?.... whats with the gun... so bout that barb template.... oh man not another sleepy joseph!"

by dikta September 1, 2006

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Joseph V

1. Total maniac in the bedroom
2. Gives out STDs like their samples at costcos

3. Gotta lot of junk in the trunk
4. Serenades his cat to sleep

mixture between Angelina Jolie + Fat Bastard from Austin Powers= Joseph V

by That one girl in your bed May 23, 2009

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joseph smith

A married man who created a religion in order to have guilt-free sex with his 16 year old housekeeper. He wrote a book which contains the phrase "and it came to pass" hundreds of times, because he was an uneducated man who tried to copy the style of the Bible and couldn't write very well. Although he practiced polygamy and he is the most important person in the Mormon religion, Mormons today are very against polygamy because a long time ago the church decided it needed to stop in order to gain acceptance among people. Don't be fooled. Mormon heaven involves polygamy, their prophet was a polygamist, and if they could have continued marrying multiple 12 year old girls and fucking them (as they did in the past and as fundamentalist Mormons continue to do to this day, seriously) you can bet your ass they would.

Joseph Smith created a cult, but his followers will tell you it is just as legitimate as any other religion. Except for the fact that all the world's scientists will tell you that New Mexico was not the cradle of civilization, and there is absolutely no evidence of Israelis in ancient America. Sorry, Joseph Smith had no idea of modern science when he was making up this crock of garbage.

Mormons aren't bad people, but they are stupid for believing in this gigantic load of bullshit. They also believe non-white people were cursed by God.

Joseph Smith was a prophet, dumb da-dumb-dumb-dumb

by the crusader October 22, 2007

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gay joseph

Joseph is fucking gay
He will eat things like pans

Joseph is fucking gay Joseph

by Gay Joseph October 7, 2017

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Joseph Callahan

Downingtown-East legend who was popular among large groups of juniors during spring of 2009. Mysterious facebook jokester (nobody truely knows who he is). Suspected to be on the Downingtown East baseball team. The legend of Joseph Callahan sparked many other fake facebooks such as Zach Peterson, Chad Williams, and David Harsky.

"who is joseph callahan?"

by Downingtown East9 January 13, 2010

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Tyler Joseph

the biggest cryptic COWARDD. tyler joseph is the biggest coward of all time and josh is a smol bean who deserves protection at all costs and together they’re cute. but they’re still cowards

β€œyou’re all cowards”
cowards are fans of the band twenty one pilots. they all call the lead singer, tyler joseph. a coward back

by twentyonepilotscoward March 5, 2019

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