the prettiest girl alive she has more motion than most people and nb is better than her , you will never find smb like her so if you loose her that’s a big mfkn L
Kennedy's are very freaky. they are adventurous in the bed and tend to be horny often. they also suck dick like a vacuum. They also associate with men with names like Bryce,Jay,Damarian,Tyrese,jamal, or bob.
kennedy fucked billy in the bathroom during lunch
Kennedy takes herself just seriously enough to be one of the best people to hang with. She’ll respect you and have serious discussions, but also get into silly debates and creative tangents if that’s what’s happening. Treat Kennedy like a cat (of which she hopes to own 20): give her space when she needs it and you’ll both be happy when she’s around.
60 years from now, we’ll all take a trip to Scotland to visit Kennedy’s cat & coffee bookstore.
The definition of a complete loser that does nothing but make cringe tik toks and gets fat. Kennedys are usually such losers that even there children end up fucking there wife’s eventually. Don’t be a Kennedy!
God I’d never marry that guy he’s a Kennedy
The funniest girl you will ever meet. Kennedy’s are known for making people laugh and are tall but NOT giants. Kennedy’s are the best people ever created. This is also the best way to spell the name kennedy, kennedi and kennedie are very much unexceptionable.
Person 1 “This girl had me cracking up all day”
Person 2 “Her name must be Kennedy”
Person “Yeah your right, it is, how did u know😂”
She is such a nice person who can be aggressive at times but everyone still enjoys their time with her a lot and over all she is nice
Wow, Kennedy even though you just choked me I really liked our time together
Kennedy is the type of person who likes sports and music. He is a good friend and A very loyal and trustworthy boyfriend. He has a nice personality. He has a good taste in fasion.
OMG that's Kennedy over there