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A sexy little baby.

Hey look, it's Ken! *Drops dead from excessive penile bloodflow.*

by mandruffHead April 8, 2023


The most perfect man to ever exist. He is funny, intelligent, and only perfect for his soulmate/twin flame. His soul is the most beautiful. To know Ken is to know the epitome of the word ágape.

Babe, you are so Ken!

by StarshineDLL March 17, 2024


A Wimpy little annoying bitch, he probably played baseball in highschool and still brings it up years later. 40 years old and still plays softball. Most likely bald.

Ken is being Ken again.

by Jacobrune December 12, 2018


A Barbie's little bitch. Dates the most popular girl and does what every the barbie in an attempt to gain popularity and sex, not for a relationship or love.

Person 1: Have you seen Kyle lately.

Person 2: No, he's been hanging out with Becca all weekend. It sucks.

Person 1: I know right! He's such a fucking ken.

by A Barbie and a Ken January 15, 2020


Verb - To know something.

Typically used in the East of Scotland around Edinburgh. Glaswegians tend to take the piss out of it and rarely use it. Preferring something along the lines of “know what I mean” or “know what I’m sayin”.

Aye, ah ken - Yes, I know
Ken wit ah mean. - Know what I mean
D’je ken sumthin - Do you know something

by Thatlassiefaeedinburgh December 13, 2018


Which one? Ken Kaneki or Ken Carson? Ken Carson you say?

WRONG. It's Ken Kaneki.

by arrarargh September 13, 2023


He is generally a faggot, bitch, and mean towards other people. He is the most annoying person and will do almost anything to piss you off. However, he is helpful at times and has a good and smart mind. He does well academicaly but socially he has no friends. He often bullies younger kids too.

Ken hiu k

by Alitny August 24, 2018