When you’ve placed a person you’re interested in on the back-burner.
“So what about Anthony?”
“Eh, he’s on low-heat.”
A point in time after you took your last hit of "coke". Usually after about an hour, when you are coming down miserably.
About an hour after my last hit of numb numb, I was really "Flying Low".
an unpleasant or rude person. Especially someone who doesn't realize just how obnoxious they truly are.
See that Brown student over there? The one telling everyone how he spent a semester at Harvard and how number theory is pretty much the best thing ever? He's a low trumpet if I ever saw one.
An individual who became legendary because of constant re-adjustments of his huge scrotum.
1. Joel had a habit of Joel Loweing while making driveshafts.
2. Joel had surgery to remove scrotum.
When asking a person to turn something down or deescalate rising emotions.
Example: "Bro, I am about to pop off." "Nah, man. You need to pop it on low."
Example: "Honey, we will need to turn the heat on tonight." "Okay, I'll pop it on low."
To lack any rational thought of consequence. Emotion, remorse, morals, or self respect. The bottom of the human cess pool. The shit that shit shits out. Nothing could possibly be worse. Or to be like JoshSpanglered
Why he did to her was the lowest of the low. She got joshspanglered in the worst way. Nothing could possibly be worse.
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When a person of little means, manages to create a situation where they are injured and in turn sues for large amounts of money.
A boy who was stealing copper wire from a building was electrocuted. The family sued the building owners and won. Lucky for them they didn't spend much on his education or upbringing, I guess they always knew he'd win the low lottery for them.