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A single word that defines America, as described by it's greatest leader of all time, Joseph Biden.

"America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: azu-futti-meh-uh-footy-foot."

by An Honest Black Guy May 5, 2022

Awww fuck i drwoped meh vegghe chipz

when you drop something extraordinary on the ground😟😟

t* dropps a tv* Awww fuck i drwoped meh vegghe chipz

by Paul Sneed August 24, 2020

Meh Dyuck

Meh Dyuck means my huge mega fucking sexy ass fucking stick of a overly big penis.

I would love to help you but bitches are tending to Meh Dyuck.

by fishpenis69001 May 15, 2016

meh boi

Aka: My boy

Person1: That's meh boi!
Person1: meh!

by Your_Waifu July 31, 2018

Meh heh

Meh heh is a word placer that is used constantly by Luke Lu. It is usually said when expressing emotion; anger from bad random, happiness of rank 25 hank and apologizing biting people.

"Meh heh," said Lulu; "this random is so sh*t. I'm going to team wipe by hypercharge Edgar. HANK META. Meh heh"

by HappyLuluahPlayingBrawlStars July 6, 2024


A generic word now generally indicating apathy. But which originally a loud interjection that had a connotation of trying to get the attention of someone whose attention is difficult to get, and from there, took on many other meanings.

It had its origin from some old dude without teeth yelling incoherent, almost random sounds out the front door to get the attention of a kid who spent too much time on a TI99 computer in the early 1980's. So the historical record needs to be corrected. This is the true origin of Meh before Meh was Meh.

MEH! Get in here. MEH! Where are you!!! MEH! Get off that computer and do your homework!!

by FredTheDog November 5, 2020


Not caring and/or lazy.

"Do your homework!"

by zachwhoffo May 7, 2015