Crew of bad bitches linking up and show-stopping all over your city
Phil: damn you see those jawns over there ?! Bunch of bad bitches deep in these streets tonight.
Kamryn: trench coat mobbing with they fine asses
a starbie mob is a mob of potential white girls migrating to starbucks for a photo, new drink, or just for ''the aesthetic''
In a game called Anime Showdown, there were once and still are children or boys, it's hard to call them men as it seems like those who main Mob, really enjoy the character Shigeo Kageyama and his traits. Therefore the so called Mob Mains tend to be very shy, anti-social, socially awkward and most likely really obese and short, or really tall and skinny there is no in the between, but in most cases they are short and fat. If you were to get killed by them, they are most likely going to say "ez" afterwards. So in short Mob Mains are the type of people that can't keep up a real life conversation and there is a 56% of them being physically unattractive and have miniscule dick energy and 33% that it probably is true. If you got heavily offended by any of this you are probably a Mob Main and it's preferable to avoid being like that, start doing healthy habits and definitely cutting out video games.
Hey did you see that fat person over there?
Yeah, what about him?
I tried to talk to him, but his stench was overwhelming and all he was saying was "run and spam abilities"...Kinda creepy.
Oh, don't worry that's probably a Mob Main.
A group of "Teens" or "Youths" who surround the police and soak them with water.
Did you see the Splash Mob in NYC today? They soaked two officers with buckets, water balloons and Super Soakers.
In MMORPG games, when anyone trying to defeat a mob, hitting last damage to mob and get all mob defeating rewards.
He is mob stealing, stealed my 55lvl mob!
basically combat logging but instead caused by mobs
wow i am so pathetic i mob logged