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Break it off

To pleasure sexually, by performing sexual acts that may or may not include intercourse.

Him: "Let me come over and break it off, girl!"

Her: "Baby you really know how to break me off!"

Sean Paul song, "Break It Off" ft. Rihanna -- "Break it off boy, this has got me feelin' naughty; I wanna know boy, if I can be your shorty."

by Smash101Z March 26, 2010

84๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

breaking benjamin

An amazing band... who desrives more credit then they get ...also a life saving band. Cheeck em out :) And Ben Burnley is SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!

dude: breaking benjamin kicks ass

by Super S February 6, 2005

276๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spring Break

A massive flood of raging hormones all concentrated to an area the size of a single human cell, so explosive and compact, only alcohol and sex can release this immense preassure, resulting in stampedes to Mexico, Florida, and Intercourse, Pennsylvania.

This is where stories of Bro Rape, Hot Lesbian realities, wet T-shirt contests, etc.

Raging Hormone: "I'm so fuckin pumped, i think i'm going to fuck the first thing that walks through the door."

Raging Hormone 2: "NO!, keep the juggernaut locked up, wait until Spring Break... Intercourse, Pennsylvania isn't going to know what hit them."

by 556677NK March 10, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

break it down

breakin it down is when you just don't give a shit what other people think of you in your actions. Express yourself in the most personal sense of expression=!!

yo me and my boyz break it down after smoking a bowl on a friday night!!

by johhny cage April 26, 2006

153๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

Winter Break

1) A 2-3 week period in which teenagers and young adults attending college have time to do homework or slack off.

2) A good time to think about your life and if you really want to change anything.

3) A good time to think about impressing your crush or just keep on having a secret crush on him/her.

1) It is winter break, let's play Black Ops and do homework tomorrow

2) It winter break, do I really want to be a Doctor?

3) Damn I should join Track and run a 11 second 100 meters. Then I'm sure Tiffany will like me.

by all quite on the eastern front December 14, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

breaking ankles

The ability of being able to play b-ball so hard that the opposing team will be breaking their feet and ankles just trying to stop you.

"Yo, this nigga can play ball man! He was runnin' cicrles around me!"
"Yea man, he was breaking ankles out there."

by Information Guy November 15, 2013

37๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

breaking bad

When a guy is vigorously engaging in coitus and he demands the girl call him "Heisenberg." When she does, he finishes all over her then demands she "Stay out of my territory" and leaves immediately.

"He gave me a breaking bad last night. God I can't wait until he stops watching that show!"

by thegreatdelmonte September 19, 2012

533๐Ÿ‘ 328๐Ÿ‘Ž