A small town in the middle of nowhere, only 4 streets, 1 park... NO stores, or gas-stations.... reminds you of a horror movie... owls everywhere, and everyone knows one another... CREEPY, bad things happen
Me: I live in Venedocia, Ohio
Someone: That hellhole? That town is sooo creepy and it’s in the middle of nowhere!!!
When you shove a avocado seed in a girl's loose asshole and fuck the shit out of her and than she farts it out and you leave
I gave a drug addict a Ohio Mortar and that seed went flying.
Probably the pimple of Ohio! It is the WORST town in Ohio by far! The heroin overdose rate is sky high. The police are always on your ass, that's why the town is know for speed trapping. If your going -6 mph they will still stop you for speeeding! Most kids there are either druggies or just straight up hicks who think it's cool to dip and fuck their cousin. Don't even get me started on the local schools.
"Oh you come from woodville Ohio? Go fuck yourself!"
Philo Ohio, were do I begin everyone that lives hear are river rats, but momma never said being an inbread was the devil so here we are,but on the Friday night lights all the kids walk around packing there dip, and drinking beer and pshh there school is about as horrible as a regular nail going through dry wall with no stud did I mention where a bunch of redneck use ductape to fix everything kinda people. Bc all the yeeyee dippers are poor,but we're a really supportive community of dumbfuck crackheads but are we the only village that has 30 cops that live so close seems like there only ammusment is polling over people on dirtbikes or four-wheelers n what pothead doesn't go to the bottom of the bridge and take photos with a bunch of spraypaint everywhere
Philo Ohio
A small village in which marijuana is smoked and pills are popped.
I went to Convoy, Ohio to pop pillies and smoke that Mary Jane, even if not very good.
The act of triggering the prolapse of one's partner's anus, either through applying enough pressure on his/her buttcheeks or by simply reaching out to the depths of his/her anus with one's hand and pulling the rectum out while twisting it, in order to lick it and suck it with progressively intense tongue and lip motions, as when performing oral sex. It is important to bear in mind that, after the act is performed, it is conventionally considered a lack of courtesy for the active partner not to return the receiving partner's anus to its original state, usually done by administering an Alabama Whack-a-Mole.
Man, I can still feel my asshole burning from the Ohio Lollipop Sally gave me last week!