The act of discriminating against non binary people alongside Caucasian people because they represent white on the trans flag.
The student was bullied as an act of ungendered racism.
When your black and just Get moisturized with racism on a daily basis
My friend Mohammed get’s Racismized at school every day because he’s black
I love Racismizing
The best movie you've ever seen
Watch it or you're going to die.
Guy: Who's going to end racism?
Guy 2: I don't know
Guy 3: Racism won't die, but you should watch Skipper Ends Racism. It's the best movie I've ever seen
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National racism, is an ideology where the state pushes racist beliefs across their state, to essentially normalize racism
Hey man, I'm going to form a group and hope I get sponsored by the government, so I can push my racism beliefs and make national racism prevail
Racism the game a fun game that the whole family can join in how to play it you might be asking well you have 18 countries and they're all populated by people make the largest country by sending racist bombs or just killing them out there are four tribes
Burger eating people
Ching chong people
Nacho Taco chimichanga people
Ooga booga people
Kid: hey Mom Dad and sister let's play racism the game
Dad: that sounds like fun
Mom: it sure does
Sister: yay racism the game my favorite
Carrot smoking a pipe: yay
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A more common phrase for the sport of horse racing. Much like motorcyclists, horse racers prefer to be known as Horse Racists. Just for the record, a horse race itself is more commonly known as a Whore's Race as it involves racing anything from horses and whores to horse's whores and everything in between.
"Vic DiBitetto rode a horse named Horse Shit in the local horse race. Then he went on to ride a whore named Whore Shit in the National Whore's Race Championship! Much like a motorcyclist, he brings the Whore's Racism back to all of the Horse Racists!"
The type of racist beliefs held by someone or a group of people when exposed to some kind of moral panic or shock events that otherwise isn't displayed. Usually it is internal racism from people with plenty of diversity in their life, within their friend group or living in diverse society/neighbourhoods. They are usually online and rarely spoken.
Especially evident during wars, after terror attacks, riots, etc etc.
Closely related to concept of speaking the truth only when drunk / revealing one's face when high.
Also very often held by ethnic minorities against other ethnic minorities in the country.
"Wow, there's really protests to support Hamas in London.. why are they even here? Why don't we kick Arabs out?" - random black caribbean marketing manager to his chinese work friend
'That's a bit of latent racism...'
"You know that guy Raheem from Law class? I was bored browsing his profile on tiktok, he's been liking videos showing attacks against kids in Gaza and commenting death to Jews and stuff" - person A
"No way, in class he said he supports peace and he went to a charity event to raise money to raise awareness for Palestine and help kids ... I knew he's a latent racist" - person B
"I think the cop killers are guilty because I'm a Democrat but look at the George Floyd shit, just or unjust aside he was just a black lowlife with a long criminal past, stop protecting criminals" - Luis Hernandez, Dallas
"Bro, your latent racism is showing" - Oliver not-Hernandez, Denver
"Man I studied the shit out of the entry exams for grammar school when I was younger but I didn't get in yet they have random ass bengali kids there for charity" - Callum Li
"yeah man I feel u, last week I applied for an internship at an investment bank in London and there's only one position showing but black people have some empowerment internship shit and there's some Women in Banking insight bullshit. They have all this crap because they're too dumb to get in otherwise" - Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
"guys, that's just latent racism" - overprivileged native white boy