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monumental skill issue

a snide remark used to suggest that the root cause of a problem lies with the incompetence / lack of skill of the person expressing said problem.

This phrase elevates the more commonly known "skill issue" and is guarantee to cause whomever you use this phrase upon to burst a blood vessel.

it is often used cheekily and ironically in response to situations where the problem genuinely lies outside of the person's control, for the purposes of trolling.

see also: BM; toxic

'Monumental skill issue being defined'
'it's impossible to fight against these players with their pay-to-win equipment that kills us in one hit. i think their stats need to be balanced.'
'sounds like a monumental skill issue'
'Usually worse than skill issue'
The Tim wanted me to scarce you comes from the derived term skill issue usually meaning that the person who has a skill issue is worse than a skill issue it is then become a monumental skill issue'

by _soul_ June 29, 2023

Stupid Skills

Students easiest way to gain new skills for a better #career option with certified programs.

studies are designed for students who have busy schedule.

Vishal just learned new skills from stupid skills

by javass November 30, 2021


not having or showing skill.

a streamer named iimisswaitwhatii has proven she is skill-less

by c30h7 April 20, 2024


without skill; unskilled or unskillful.

After watching them constantly struggle, it has been determined that Andrea is skill-less.

by c30h7 April 21, 2024

school of modern skills

Best school if you dont go to this school man you suck at life

wow i go to school of modern skills i am cool

by Ughh daddy September 6, 2021