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sleeping naked

1. A practice that is shunned publicly by the general populace, but privately performed by millions. Particularly enjoyable when you have satin sheets.

2. Something you probably shouldnt spring on your girlfriend the first time she stays over.

3. Something not to do when sleeping on your best mate's couch after a heavy night of drinking.

1. Pastor to the clergy: "Sleeping naked is a sin, and those who partake of it will burn in hell! It promotes promiscuity and filth!!"

2. gf: "Arghghg! what's that?"
you: "Nothing i just like to sleep naked"
gf: "You filthy perverted monkey! get away from me"

3. So i walked into the loungeroom, and there was Jamie passed out and spreadeagled on the couch. We took photos and put them on the web.

by friend of p May 1, 2005

100๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

sleep fucking

an act of having sex and not becomming fully aware of the situation until midway through the act.

see also. sleep walking but don't relate the meanings too closely

"that bitch just strattled me in the middle of the night...i wake up, and find her bouncing up and down on my cock"

"omgz dude she sleep fucked the shit out of you"

by HatShapedHat May 3, 2005

89๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

sleep with me


Can you sleep with me

by mijryhtnhghgne6 January 8, 2018

40๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

sleep fapnea

Sleep fapnea is a sleep inhibiting condition caused by a lack of needed fapping, or masturbation.

Man I was so tired when I got home last night I didn't get my rocks off, then I couldn't even sleep because of the damn sleep fapnea.

by faponfapoffthefapper August 9, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

sleep a wink

American slang for describing someone who stays up all night.

Susan didn't sleep a wink last night thinking about her work in this company.

by Henry201010 February 5, 2012

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Slayden Sleep

a period of time when someone falls into a large daydream

yo jesus get out of that slayden sleep
frank has fell into another slayden sleep

by alastair 94 February 12, 2008

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Sleeping Abroad

The act of spending the night with someone in their bed; Sleeping in another person's bed; Getting laid in a bed that is not your own

Brian, "Yo man you didn't come home last night." Chris, "I was sleeping abroad at Laura's, oh yea."

by Chris Anderson (Boca) November 18, 2008

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