a butch black lesbian who prefers to take on the dominant role with their femme sexual partner
An identity exclusive to Black lesbians who are masculine presenting; not to be confused with "dyke", culturally distinguishable from "butch"
My girlfriend is a fine ass stud, she's super buff and strong but she's not aggressive and manly, either!
The person in the relation ship who takes control. The person who uses their dick to have sex
Alex is the stud of him and kennys relationship
A stud is what you would call Charlie Bushnell in a causal sentence.
“Hey you know who’s a stud?”-Jeb
“Who?”- Jenny
“Charlie Bushnell.”
A masculine lesbian who is black
Coop is the finest stud out there.
A man that has a a big sense of pride in his penny penis
When i looked at him i knew he was a stud
He took me to bed but i couldn't do it. It was obvious he was a stud