Source Code

Texting Amanda

The only way to die in Call of Duty

i had a 24 kill streak but i was texting amanda so i died

by ThebestQuickscoper November 6, 2010

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waffle texts

1. When a person sends numerous texts continuously, not giving one the opportunity to respond.

2. When someone is blowin up your inbox with message after message after message

Bill: Damnit! Jen keeps sending these messages while I'm trying to respond to the first damned one!!

Bob: Sounds like she's stackin on the waffle texts.

Bill: Someone needs to calm this bitch down, I think I gotta lay the pipe.

by PickleDaVeggieMan October 27, 2009

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the act of texting someone when your more asleep than you are awake and you have no idea what your saying; you usually don't remember the conversation the next day; similar to drunk texting

friend 1:heyy man you still up??

friend 2:hweytbj

friend 1:huh?
------------next day------------------
friend one: what was up with you last night bro?

friend two: whatddya mean i was asleep by eleven.

friend one: i texted you last night and you sent me some kinda wierd shit.

friends two: sorry man musta been sleep-texting agian.

by therocket4445 June 9, 2010

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projectile texting

(V) The act of texting while driving at high speed.

Excuse the misspelling. I'm projectile texting.

by Rastus McGee March 10, 2018

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turd texting

Texting on your cell while taking a dump.

David is the ultimate multi-tasker as he is an expert at turd texting.

Mother: "What's going on in there? Other peeps need to use the bathroom!"

David: "Dude, give me some privacy! I'm turd texting!"

by LouWho March 1, 2008

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text jacker

When you stupidly leave your phone around a group of 'mates' and they decide to send a message such as "I've always loved you" to everyone in your phone book.

You know you've been victim to a text jacker when your gran sends you a message saying she loves you too!

by 2quickmick@googlemail.com February 19, 2009

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Texting Wall

Basically the equivalent of the phrase "talking to a brick wall", but with text messaging. (Also applies to some chat rooms as well). The brick wall is a person whom you are texting and they are too busy to make real responses to the things you text them, or they are just stupid or a prick. Commonly words like "cool", "wow", "okay", and "lol" will be used. Usually, in situations where the person doesn't want to talk, it would probably be more polite to tell them that you simply dont want to talk with them.

Person 1: Hey

Person 2: Hey

Person 1: ...

Person 2: Whats up?

Person 1: Nm

Person 2: Thats cool

Person 1: Ya

Person 2: I was just hanging out with my friends, we played some video games and stuff :D

Person 1: Okay

Person 2: Uh, yeah. So how has your week been?

Person 1: Good

Person 2: Uh well I have to go...wash the dishes...bye

Person 1: Lol


Person 1: Wow what a texting wall.

by rubyisasifis January 20, 2010

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