Basically never gonna do that again or not cool. You’re a disrespectful thats for tha birds, no one has time for that ain’t got time to waste on stupidity stuff life way more important
Eh tha is a loving boy who has black hair he's quite possessive and gets jealous easily but he would do anything for U, an eh tha is someone who would stand up for u and back U anytime you need. Eh thas are the best boys you'll even meet.
Oh sweet let's call that dude Eh Tha since he's such a great dude
Tha A is a ghetto version of how to say Atlanta also known as the ATL
Aye bruh we finna slide out to Tha A this weekend
The act of kicking the shit out of someone to clear a path to run when you’re surrounded by dudes about to jump you
Yooo they almost got Anthony the other day for his chain, but he gave one of them Tha Bklyn Special and ran his ass home
Cody stank booty is black!
The noble Cody tha black hopped a fence running from the cops
Hello, my friend. What is up with I think its great!
Gangsta: Yo, G-dog. What the hizzle is up wizzle tha urbandictionizzle? It's mellow scrill yo!
White guy: WTF? DEFINITION: Hello, my friend. What is up with I think its great!
White guy: Oh.
"that's homo" meaning that's gay
"hey man, i love you bro"
"thas mo"