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Insanity is when you act like QuantumTV

by WeeMentalJo April 26, 2022


The act of doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results, much like the Old-School RuneScape user Yx, who is a homophobe and places chairs and rope under lgbt players trying to tell them to kill themselves, and makes jokes about mass shootings.

NutsAndTits: Yx is so mad that they are failing at this. I'll take the free items though.
Rayquazas: Yx, you know the definition of insanity right?
Yx: no what?
Tehnubness: Exactly what you are doing, and failing at.

by Yx Is A POS March 31, 2023


Someone who has a piss kink or has been diagnosed with insanity

Ew he has a piss kink he should file for insanity

by Apple bees ribs and dog cum June 8, 2022


Doing the same shit over and over and over again expecting a different result.

Bayou Concrete (MMC Materials) is the literal definition of insanity.

by Remington Ruger Browning May 12, 2024


being a mentally unstable person

wow that jayden guy should get checked for insanity

by Harperfan123 July 22, 2020




by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. October 24, 2020


Feeling as if ur brain's on adderal

I've got some Insanity traits

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. August 10, 2020