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chong zheng primary school

a school who competes with nearby schools so badly that lots of singaporeans go there . Always say they are the best although not .

student from chong zheng primary school : i am the best ...

by 1234567878900chdjswx February 18, 2023

Cheech and Chong next movie

Cheech and Chong next movie. Beavis and butthead know how to make a comedic film. And they're not stoned.

I just saw Cheech and Chong next movie.

Wow! Dude! What was it like?

It sucked! There was no beehive tossing, and no nun fucking.

All they did was put a motorbike inside, stuck it's exhaust outside, and rev it up, oh, and they catcalls at some chicks!

by Iam not Elmer Fudd July 22, 2020


A synonym for a vape or can be used as a verb to vape. Mainly used in the UK by teenagers to seem coo

"Give us a chong"- Let me have a puff/drag of your vape
"Hugo passed Lucas his chong after he was finished"

by Theflowerpot February 10, 2019


1. Tommy Chong- A Chinese-Canadian actor known for the movie: "Up in Smoke" and smoking hella weed.
2. Chinese-Dong- An American racial slur poking fun at the penis size of Asian-Americans.
3. An Asian from the hood.
4. A respectful way to say Chink.

"Damn, that Chong smoked the whole bag!"
"I'll never understand how Kevin get's so much pussy with that tiny chong of his."

by Big Chong September 26, 2020


noun: a vape / ecig
verb: to vape

pass me my chong , will you?”

“i’m going out for a chong”

by shagginghellman September 5, 2022


A God amongst men the true king of the simps transcended all Asians

Bro Nick Chongs Hot

by jeurfhejfijsfuisefesf May 19, 2021


The act of being a kid fucker.

He's a big chong!

by SheepieRapz November 3, 2021