a school who competes with nearby schools so badly that lots of singaporeans go there . Always say they are the best although not .
student from chong zheng primary school : i am the best ...
Cheech and Chong next movie. Beavis and butthead know how to make a comedic film. And they're not stoned.
I just saw Cheech and Chong next movie.
Wow! Dude! What was it like?
It sucked! There was no beehive tossing, and no nun fucking.
All they did was put a motorbike inside, stuck it's exhaust outside, and rev it up, oh, and they catcalls at some chicks!
A synonym for a vape or can be used as a verb to vape. Mainly used in the UK by teenagers to seem coo
"Give us a chong"- Let me have a puff/drag of your vape
"Hugo passed Lucas his chong after he was finished"
1. Tommy Chong- A Chinese-Canadian actor known for the movie: "Up in Smoke" and smoking hella weed.
2. Chinese-Dong- An American racial slur poking fun at the penis size of Asian-Americans.
3. An Asian from the hood.
4. A respectful way to say Chink.
"Damn, that Chong smoked the whole bag!"
"I'll never understand how Kevin get's so much pussy with that tiny chong of his."
noun: a vape / ecig
verb: to vape
“pass me my chong , will you?”
“i’m going out for a chong”
A God amongst men the true king of the simps transcended all Asians