yu p's problem, short for "Yupeng's Problem", is the solution/reason to every event happened in the world. Whenever something happens, it's always yu p who causes it.
Fuck, why is 农批 so hard, what's the point of playing if we can't win?
I would say that's yu p's problem.
Another of stormzys nicknames.
"The problem's back, I got smoke"
what you say to freak your best friends bf out....if you are extremely jealous.
I'm sooooo jealous your dating Lisa, but you do know she's got the problem...
name of the notorious Hector Acosta.
"she asked if i was her solution? i was like bitch nahh im the problem"
"toxic king, doesnt put up with no simpin"
"confident individual"
No. It isn't. You're a whore. Kill yourself whore.
Hym "Oh, I'm sure NO WOMAN has ever been the problem! I guarantee no woman has ever been the problem in ANY intersexual interaction in that retarded mind of yours. Die today bitch."
You're feinting fear you don't actually experience to justify doing this.
Hym "The problem is... You don't care either way. Your moral superiority is a delusion. You're provoking violence in the hopes that it happens to someone else so that you can be rid of me. You aren't 'good people' and I'm not 'the wrong type of person.' You're literally child sacrificers and I deserve success more than you because I'm BETTER THAN YOU. You deserve your shit life. Your life is shit. You want my life to be shit. I'm not going to allow you to drag me with you."
It is a line from Heathers the musical
Are we gonna have a problem veronica?