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The Bottom Ten Percent

The idea, that the bottom 10 percent of society, those who have no handicap yet still refuse to work or give back to the community, are eliminated to increase the productivity of the community.
Therefore causing everyone to work harder, in order to avoid becoming the bottom 10 percent.
This can be done on an individual basis, or in larger number.

This idea, was originally thought of by John, Aarons friend.

If your in The Bottom Ten Percent, you could be a homeless person giving nothing back to the goverment, youve been on welfare for an extended period of time, making no effort to "get back on your feet."

by Joshua Minchew July 20, 2006

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Cool Year Ten

started year 8 as an emo, then they tried to be scene. failing at that they started their own style. with a life soundtrack of jurassic 5 and sabrepulse they wear regular fit jeans, cheap windbreaker copies and nike dunks. with a dry sense of humour and an unrecognisable sarcasm all they say is "your a dick mate" and "your well funny".

god, i do wish i was a cool year ten

by metcheck January 8, 2008

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ten year rule

A rule common to menfolk whereby it is considered illegal, or at least frowned upon, to engage in sexual activities within anyone who is ten years older or younger than oneself.

Curly broke the ten year rule again last week with the Duchess, the granny-fucking bastard.

by jamjar77 November 14, 2006

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Ten-buck knucks

Punching someone while holding a roll of quarters in your fist, giving it extra weight; A cheap alternative to brass knuckles.

Guy 1: "dude don't fight that guy hes bigger than you"
Guy 2: "it's fine i got my ten-buck knucks"
Guy 1: "oh, carry on"

by Junth63657 February 11, 2010

Type Ten Diabetes

Type ten diabetes is a legit disease that affects almost one person and has several side affects and may or not be a deadly legit disease

Woah that dude got dem type ten diabetes

by ItIsDenfinitlyNotMe April 27, 2018

Ten ass titty

Being very determined to do something, mostly out of spite.

This beeee-itch at Olive Garden had the ten ass titty to bring me and my lady 2 fucking breadsticks.

by Doc Killjoy November 7, 2018

Ten Nautical Miles

The amount of distance that is tolerable to mention Boku no Pico from me or any sane person on this fricking planet

Person 1: I watch boku no pico

Me: do not mention that within ten nautical miles of me

by CABAGE No2 April 25, 2022