The crust in ones elbow build up after a long period of time. It is primarily made up of dust a crust.
Eww man, is that elbow crust?
for when you are trying to sus the crust while on superspine
"Hey, did you sus crust superspine last week"
"yea, it felt like acid"
A slang expression originating from crusty and is similar to "WTF," but instead of expressing anger or offense, it conveys a sense of being weirded out, confused, or surprised. Used when something is bizarre, unexpected, surprising or just plain odd.
Example 1:
Alan: Yesterday I saw a man walking around in just panties
Mats: Yo, what the crust man.
Example 2:
Jason: Have you heard the news?
Luke: No, what now?
Jason: Apparently some guy was sent to jail for shaving his pubic hair in public.
Luke: What the crust!
What the crust is what the man wanted to say when he saw his offensive clothing.
The dark green crust on a pickle... Self explanitory
Mom-”Eat those pickles son, I payed good money for those!
Son-“I wont eat Pickle Crust. You know that I love crustless pickles”
cut the outside of your dollar bill
had to take the crust off my bread :((
When you cut the edges of your dollar bill off.
Does add a discount of 20% off your electricity bills if you've a lot of crustless bread.
Friend: "You have a good day?"
Me: "No, I had to take the crust off my bread :((("
Mutual crust is formed when you don't pull out after sex and fall asleep. Body fluid from both parties join and dry to form mutual crust all over their private parts.
Jack and Jill woke up Saturday morning and were stuck together by their mutual crust. They had to waddle to the shower together to free themselves of each other.