a team that i will admit is always good..except 06-07 so far lol. but hey, they have the absoloute shittiest fanbase EVER! they have like 70 million "fans" that probably cant name 5 players on the yankees roster and probably think a-rod was drafted by the team. The Yankees are very succesful but the only way you can be a true yankees fan is if u r rich, and that is becuase they are almost always sold out..
im not a yankees fan or a red sox fan, i like the cincinnati reds... 5 world series title, ken griffey jr, adam dunn, ryan freel, bronson arroyo, aaron harang, etc are some of the current impacts players of the reds, and dont get me started on the lists that include johny bench and pete rose..but whatever this isnt about the reds lol. im just saying, if the yankees ever become the tampa bay devil rays, lets see how many "fans" they will have.
guy: hey dad i love the new york yankees! can we go watch one of their games!
dad: no it costs 600$ for bleacher seats, but hey how about we go watch a reds game, they are currently last in their division and 5 bucks for some good seats donw in cincy.
guy: no im gonna go watch a red sox game, they are my new favorite team
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The key beneficiary of the dismantling of the dominant Red Sox teams beginning in 1918 and ending in 1923, which has sadly beaten the Red Sox in many close playoff races, and more recently in a heartbraking 2003 ALCS, and for those reasons have earned the ire of red sox fans. Their overspending ways, constant dominance of baseball, turning the A's and Red Sox at various points in history into virtual farm teams, and despicable owner have earned them the ire of much of the rest of the baseball world.
Go to fenway at a Sox-Yankees game, and you are sure to hear "Yankees Suck!" being chanted.(Go Red Sox)
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a team made up of homosexual members. each has his own vital role. a-rod is there so jeter has an a-rod to suck, while bernie williams plays his trumpet in a homo band and bangs torre who is steinbrenner's bitch. this team has almost completely ruined baseball until they lost to the red sox in 2004 after being up 3-0. they are a disgrace to everything that is good in baseball.
Bernie: Hey Jeter, do you wanna come finish off torre for me, i gotta gig to play.
Jeter: No problem, id be glad to give him a hand.
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An American website designer who doesn't know another world outside of the USA exists - a wanker who designs a form page with obligatory "State" and no other country options
Use two letters to define what 'State' you live in (ie FL = Florida) whereas Cheshire is on another planet obviously designed by a Yankee Wanker Jingoist
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Have been known for winning the World Series 50% of the time. Always sucking up any good free agents, denying newer, less fortunate teams from having them, they are big-league hogs, and have a payroll more than double most teams, sometimes triple, yet in the start of the 2005 season, the sucked more balls then a 3 cent mexican prostatute. It amazes me how anyone can be a fan of the Yankess, I think it would be awfully boring watching the Yankee's when you know they have the biggest advantage in baseball.
Yankee's don't do baseball anymore, they do bussiness.
Poser: "Dude the Yankee's are a team of legends, they're so much better than everyone else."
Me: "Yeah, they can't even keep up with the Red Sox in their division. Even though they have 60 million dollars more in payroll."
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Bandwagon fans who, despite living 3,000, miles away from Yankee stadium, root for New York's baseball team. They only watch the occasional game on ESPN, and never have to suffer through the day in, day out awful announcing of Michael Kay
Brianna: Like, OMG, Derek Jeter is sooo cute, I'm going to buy a Yankee hat
Rylan: But babe, what about the 5 baseball teams we already have in our state? Two of which we stole from New York! And how will you even watch the games? The only way to see more then 5 a year is buying the package from the cable company, and something tells me you wont be watching all 162 like New Yorkers do even if you paid for it. You're just a California Yankee Fan.
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The term ‘yankee cap, no brim’ is an exaggerated phase, originally from the term, ‘no cap’. You can use it as if saying “I’m being serious”. The phase ‘yankee with no brim’ originated from a viral video of a couple dudes in New York just having a silly goofy time. By using this term, you’re not only quoting the kings of the big apple, you also now own a share in the New York Yankees baseball team. CONGRATS!!
*scene* Two Buddies Hangin Out
Hunter: *looks over at bud* “Did you know that Jonny Depp’s real name is Alan”
Maggie: *Doesn’t know anything about celebs* “I can almost bet my whole bag of flaming hot Funyuns that its not”
Hunter: *Not lying intentionally* “Yankee Cap, No Brim. I swear his name is Alan”
Maggie: *looks up answer* “One Second”
*camera slowly pans toward a grinning Hunter as truth rings though both of their ears*