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Slut Sis Sunday

A day when you can fuck your slutty sister.

I didn't break any laws bc I fucked her on Slut Sis Sunday!

by SkinnyBoner69 January 21, 2020


Sis-Gender n.
Sis (short term for sissified) Gender
A grown man acting like an adolescent girl.

Bro, D. is so sissified acting like a 14 year old girl.
Dude I know, he's a Sis-Gender

by Z-man 69 June 28, 2023

that’s not it sis

Hunty what is u doin

Whole ass mess
Not the move

U good boo?

Wearing plaid with stripes, that’s not it sis

by Yummy hot sauce 🔥🔥 October 23, 2018


Si-Cilya is a girl that will always be there for you. She is a beauty that attracts all kinds of people. She's smart, kind, forgiving, and a great friend. She always wants to make people happy and constantly tries to make people smile. A genuinely nice girl who should be treated like the beautiful princess she is. She's a good person to be around, so if you ever meet one, never let her go. Ever. She's a social, cunning, passionate woman. To have a Si-Cilya as a friend is to be extremely fortunate. Once you've pissed her off, you shall pay for the rest of your life! However, this somehow does not threaten her people skills. You will most likely fall in love with her because of her grace and kindness. She loves all and loves people for their souls, she will always find good in people. Don't ever underestimate her, she is a very brave one. She is a mixture of lush and sexy. Although she's a really bold and sometimes quirky person, Si-Cilya is usually a perfectionist and she might be really hard on herself in private. She can be stubborn, and won't stop an argument until she has made her point, but she is also forgiving and loyal. She will break your heart even if you didn't even know you loved her in the first place. Her smile, that damn smile will make you feel at home, her eyes are the most gorgeous things you may ever see, her lips are gorgeous, her humor can make you die of laughter.

"Si-Cilya you are an amazing friend, I love you so much"

"Don't let Si-Cilya go."

by Sicilya November 21, 2023

Ako to si tanganoel

This three word is used for traditional way Filipinos introduce themselves in public or private gathering.

Can also be used in seminars and online classes as a form of greeting.

Hello everyone Ako to si tanganoel and we are gathered here to today in this session to study astrology.

by Dictionary Mogul July 27, 2021

Yes, Sis!

To support and celebrate your sister's achievements, acting as her ultimate hype woman.

Yes, Sis! Get on with ya bad self!

Look at my sister go, she's the ultimate baddie... Yes, Sis!

by ultimatesishypewoman May 25, 2024

Si Ci

Si Ci is an absolute legend. Her ability to instagram copious amounts of food (on the hour, every hour) while simultaneously completing intensive study makes you feel like an under achiever for sure.

Not only is she a restaurant/eatery connoisseur but Si Ci is an Ultimate frisbee superstar. While her mad throwing skills & defensive prowess make her a teammate’s favourite; the thing her team loves about her the most is how she laughs at everyone’s jokes making them feel hilarious.

Luckily she has no plans to leave us. Ever.

I’m so Si Ci right putting ma food on da ‘gram

by Ghjifs July 14, 2019