Emily’s are so good to have as your best friend. They are so funny, sometimes in a rude way. If you are really close she will make racist and offensive jokes but they are so funny. If you don’t know her she comes across as naughty and rude. She usually acts to be tough but is very sensitive on the inside. She will also do ANYTHING to protect her friends. Emily’s always keep a small group of friends and is not afraid to reject anyone. She also has great style and also knows how to save money and budget. Her vibe is very indie, but peng and still not you basic bitch.
Emily is PENG.
Emily is a dumb bitch who has no friends and has a brain the size of a walnut.
she likes geo.. no wonder she has no friends
she is a poo poo head
omg emily is a dumb bitch
thank god im not her friend
Emily;Emily can be very shy when you first meet her, but once you get to know her she is really crazy. She is down to do anything. She can be really annoying.She doesn't let anything get to her,and is always there for a friend.
Emily SHUT UP!
The worst person ever. So inconsiderate and ugly. She makes you want to stay in bed each morning and vomit. She is not hauntingly beautiful, but instead, just haunting. Someone so terrible you pray you will be violently taken away to a place where another Emily will never cross your path
"You know an Emily? She's sucks"
"I know Emily" (kills self)
Emily is pretty much the all round best person ever.She has blond hair and bluish greenish eye and plays basketball and run because she was brided with chick-Fila.She a therapist/doctor/cyropractor/teacher/she does it all.
1:who’s that
2.oh that’s emily
4👍 1👎
Emily is a girl who is kind smart and funny. She always has a smile on her face no matter what. People may not realize it but she is broken on the inside. Emily's have a beautiful personality they always try to make others happy. They always think about other people first and never themselves. They are beautiful inside and out no matter what.
Person one: Who is that hot girl over there
Person 2: Oh, that's Emily.