-noun (n.)
A word derived from the derogatory word "Nigger." Unlike the term Nigger, Nigga doesn't necessarily have the same meaning, and CAN be used by people(s) of all races.
Differences between the two:
1) Nigger
(a) An offensive term used to describe a person of any race or origin regarded as inferior. Especially used by lightener skinned people(s) towards darker skinned people(s).
(b) Someone who lacks intelligence.
2) Nigga
Slang term that can be used to describe anyone close to you; no matter what race or nationality you are. Can be used to describe a friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, or even an enemy. Like the word fuck, when used in different contexts, it can have a different meaning.
Advisory Warning: As long as the person whom you are speaking with understands where you are coming from, using the term "Nigga" instead of homie or homeboy is acceptable. Always chose your words wisely when speaking with strangers.
1) Nigger
"Billybob look! That stupid Nigger just bought a ticket to the rodeo that's scheduled this saturday."
2) Nigga
- When describing a friend:
(a) "Nick is my nigga. Even though he's not black, me and him go way back."
- When describing a love interest:
(b) "Your body is bangin' baby, I love the way you flaunt it, time to give it to daddy nigga, now tell me how you want it."
- When describing an enemy:
(c) "That bitch ass nigga just jack my dime piece and gold chain"
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a nigga is:
1. Any random person
2. A brotha, homie, close friend
person 1: yo look at these dumb ass niggas thinkin they coo
person 2. lets go show them they aint
Person 1. aight
You and ya boyz
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N.I.G.G.A. - Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished
Nigger - A Black man with a slavery chain around his neck
Nigga - A Black man with a gold chain around his neck
There's Many Examples, "Wut up my Nigga"
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Derived from the word NIGGER, NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER! (Sorry, I like how that rolls off my tongue) It's used frequently and casually amongst half ape gorilla smelling savage jungle animals. It is used so much in jive talk that you may not be able to (without a course in ebonics) understand what in the hell these filthy stinking criminals are talking about.
Tyrone: Awwwwwhh NIGGA! I just got a dub!
Keyshawn: Fo real nigga? Nigga, you ain't be affordin no dubs you just came out the pen nigga! What bout yo baby momma nigga?
Tyrone: No you dumb nigga, I be talkin bout da 20" hole punched in mah asshole from them big honkies at the wieght room in jail! I gots to sell crack fo some big wheels on my 85 buick nigga!
KeyShawn: OH Shit NIGGGGGGAAAAAH! You's got a 20" ASSHOLE! Now you be shittin yo pants Nigga!!! Nigga, it make no matta becuase us niggas smell like shit anyhow! Nigga!
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Never ignorant
When this word is used among black people.
''Man that nigga made it''. A black person referring to another black man who owns his own multimillion dollar company and has earned a Bachelor's degree at a prominent college.
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Nigga is not a racist term it just means homie or cuz or bro I am a cracka and my black friends and white,mexican etc. all races call each otha niggas and crackas and all dat. But it aint cool to call mexicans wetbacks unless you real tight homies.
White guy: Sup nigga.(talking to black guy).
Black guy: not shit my nigga jus chillin.
(mexican guy walks by)
White and black guy say what up wetback.
Mexican guy: Who da fuck u talkin to ill get my homies and kick yall asses.
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In this generation "Nigga" is used as an alternative to a males typical slang-word like Dawg, 'Na' Man, Bro, yo, Dude,etc after saying something toward a male. Unfortunatley the N word has been passed down from the slavery times and its is still not taken lightly by most black people although it has been incorporated in many peoples daily vocabulary in the usually in the young generation.
Nah Man, Nah cuz, nah bro, na dawg, nah fool, nah yo, nah B, nah sun, nah nigga, etc.
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